Sunday, November 17

Comment Winner - Day Sixteen

Congratulations Dorothy!
Your comment has won you a $5.00AU store credit at Beccy's Place.
If you already have a Beccy's Place store account, I'll be adding a $5.00AU credit very soon.
If not, please email me at to claim your prize.

Another gorgeous card! I thought I got today;s card completed and I discover itis already tomorrow on the other side of the world!


Donna said...

Congratulations Dorothy! I feel the same way. I can never catch up. LOL!

Dandi93 said...

Congrats Dorothy

Suzanne H said...

Congratulations Dorothy! I agree too since I live in the Northern Hemisphere, it keeps it interesting!

Bunny said...

Yay, Dorothy!

Sarah said...


TracyM #6773 said...

HAPPY Shopping and Colouring :)
... I'm Down Under in Beccy's time zone, so it's nice for me to be in sync for a change

terrie said...

Way yo go Dorothy...I also agree with your comment.

Mandy said...

Congratulations Dorothy :)

Teresa said...


KT Fit Kitty said...

Congrats to Dorothy! That's a fun comment and I totally agree!

Dorothy S said...

Thanks for picking my comment typos and all!

cris pazmiño said...

congratulations Dorothy.