Tuesday, November 5

Comment Winner - Day Four

Congratulations Teresa!
Your comment has won you a $5.00AU store credit at Beccy's Place.
If you already have a Beccy's Place store account, I'll be adding a $5.00AU credit very soon.
If not, please email me at beccy@beccysplace.com to claim your prize.

Maybe a Christmas cardinal, eating a Christmas chocolate, under the Christmas tree would work---lol!


KT Fit Kitty said...

That's a fun comment! Congrats to Teresa!

Suzanne H said...

Congratulations Teresa! Enjoy shopping!

TracyM #6773 said...

Congratulations Teresa!
Happy Shopping :)

Gail said...

Yeah Teresa - you go girl! Happy Dance

Teresa said...

Thank you everyone! Thank you, Beccy for this fun contest!

Bunny said...

Congratulations to Teresa. [Bunny]`

terrie said...

Congrats Teresa, great comment....

cris pazmiño said...

congratulations Teresa/.

Sarah said...
