Monday, March 2

February Winners

Congratulations to the February Challenge Winners!
Verna Angerhofer, Gail Scott, Aimeslee Winans
You are the randomly chosen winners of last month's challenge.
If you already have a Beccy's Place store account, I'll be adding a $20.00AU credit very soon.
If not, please email me at to claim your prize.


Gail said...

Oh Happy Dance - Thank you soooo much for the lovely March win - happy dance to Verna and Aimeslee too! Thanks for the challenges!

Suze said...

Congrats to the lucky winners.

NickScrapShack said...


Aunty Sue said...

Congrats ladies

Suzanne H said...


KT Fit Kitty said...

Yay! Congrats to all of the lucky winners! Enjoy your shopping spree!

Verna Angerhofer said...

I am so thrilled and have been admiring a stamp set for some time so now I know I will be acquiring that for sure. Congratulations to the other winners too!

Swissie said...

Congratulations to the winners!

Teresa said...


terrie said...

Congrats Ladies...way to go

Suzana said...

Congratulations to all winners!
Have a beautiful and inspire Spring!

Lori m said...

Congratulations to all the winners, hugs, Lori m

Aimeslee Winans said...

Congrats to Verna and to Gail! And to me! Yay! What a wonderful birthday present, Beccy, thank you!!! XXO

cris pazmiño said...

Congratulations to the winners