Thursday, March 26

30 Days of Organisation

Throughout the month of April, I'll be posting daily tasks to help get your crafting space cleaned and sorted! From colouring charts to UFOs, we'll wade through all those jobs that have been put off for far too long. The small, daily tasks will soon have you working in a more comfortable and organised creative space.


Crafting Queen said...

Have fun, mine took me months to do. lol

Suze said...

We will still be in lockdown for much of April so I think this is something I will try and join in with. Hope you are staying safe Beccy.

Margreet said...

I'm in!!
xxx Margreet

Jackie T said...

What a brilliant idea. I am slowly sorting my way through the house. So sorting the craft stuff will be amazing. Take care. Hugs Jackie

terrie said...

Great idea....I started to do my craft room and then I slowly backed away....this should will be very helpful to me....thanks Beccy and be safe.

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

OH! I need to do this so much, looking forward to what you advise.
Keep safe and well.
Faith x

KT Fit Kitty said...

This sounds great, Beccy! I can use some inspiration for organizing! Looking forward to it!

Verna Angerhofer said...

I don't have a craft room but instead a craft house. LOL I am not sure I could keep up as I am not a fast walker these days. But I will apply any tips that might work for me.

KathyA. said...

Just last week I thought I needed to start sometime soon to get organized. I think you provided me with a way to do that... one day at a time. So count me in!

Leanne said...

What a wonderful idea, I look forward to seeing what you come up with.

Gail said...

Like to see how others get organized - looking forward to the post! Have a blessed week

cris pazmiño said...

Thank you so much thats a great idea in this lock down times