Wednesday, November 30

Day 30 - Do What You Love

Today marks the end of our tenth Annual Month of Holiday Cards Challenge, and if that doesn't deserve a round of applause, I don't know what does! A huge Thank You to all of you, and particularly to those who have been with me from the very beginning, it's been such a joy to spend this extra special month with you over the past decade. As I've said in previous years, this is the challenge I most look forward to as it kick starts the Christmas season for me. I really enjoy all the wonderful creations that are added to the gallery, the fabulous images and wonderful ideas... but my most favourite part is the feeling of being connected to a larger community of crafters. Reading the funny, kind, sweet and thoughtful comments that are left here and on other blogs is wonderfully heart-warming and reminds me that there is still an abundance of kindness in the world.

YOUR TURN: Create a card or papercraft project that brings you joy.
Click the link below to add a photo of your creation to the challenge:



Liz said...

Beautiful cards Beccy, so elegant. Thank you for organising this challenge every year, it certainly gives us all the encouragement to make sure all our Christmas cards are made on time. I can’t believe it’s nearly December, it only seems like yesterday you started this years challenge. I keep checking the blog, just in case you sneak in a last race. 🤣 xx

Sarah said...

Beccy, I have enjoyed this special year's holiday cards also. As like before, this is the month that I make the holiday cards for my family to send out. I just want you to know that although I have never met you, you are one of the kindest, most generous people I know. You give all these free gifts to us and all we have to do is make a card and put it in your gallery. That means a lot to me, and I just want you to know that I thank you and appreciate you very much. By the way, your cards are beautiful. Have a Merry Christmas and a safe New Year.

Teresa said...

Both of those cards are so pretty! Elegant!

How can this be over already? It has been so fun. One thing I find so fun is to do each prompt you give. Sometimes I really have to put my thinking cap on!

Thank you so much for having this!

Pamela Duncan said...

A-MAZING cards to complete this challenge. I'm thrilled that I finally started subscribing to the newsletter and learned of your challenge. Just your commenting on the blogs took a tremendous effort on your part. Thank you for a wonderful challenge. I will definitely be looking forward to it again in 2023.

Tina Z. said...

Thank you so much for this special month, I enjoy it every year. Crafty hugs xx

TracyM #6773 said...

DELIGHTFUL cards Beccy!

LOVE this set and your elegant design with the embossed background!
... I have this set ready to make some cards today too :)

THANK YOU SO MUCH for ANOTHER AWESOME month of Festive Fun!!!

I have been INSPIRED each and every day and have so many projects on my list to try, hoping to get some extras finished in time to add to the gallery ... sure would be wonderful to set a new record in celebration of your AMAZING 10th year :)

Gail L said...

This was so fun!
Great job!
I didn't participate a lot, but did read every post!

Denise Bryant said...

Beautiful holly designs and lovely embossed backgrounds! Such gorgeous cards!
Creating does bring me joy! I'd gladly pass up the cooking and cleaning duties in favor of spending my time making cards! I just need to find more hours in a day! Thanks for the challenge and all the wonderful inspiration!

StampNScrapJunkie said...

Oh, I wish I had seen this way sooner! Like at the beginning of the month! I missed out on so much crafting fun!

Aunty Sue said...

Thank you Beccy i always look forward to this challenge as i get so much inspiration from all the entries. November can be a bit stressful here getting ready but trying to keep the joy of Christmas and the fun and laughter gor my little Grandson. This year we went to see the magical lights of the new national trust gardens. His face brought so much joy to me and his Dad worth every penny. Merry Christ. As to you and all reading this

cris pazmiño said...

Beccy thanks for everything it really deserves a round of applause, I haven't been from the very beginning, but I found your blog in 2019 while I was looking for some folds and for me was and is the perfect page to get tutorials, just simple and easy. I enjow as well the feeling of being connected to a larger community of crafters. Kindness is part of the English language and of the English speakers in the world. Thanks for sharing. Love xx Cris from Ecuador.

Suzanne H said...

Thanks so much Beccy! I echo what Sarah said. So much fun and prizes too.

Margreet said...

Awesome elegant cards with the great embossing and holly designs.
Thanks for this great November month. The only thing is that this month has just flew by (so I actually miss a month). But is was worth it! I'm already looking forward to next November.
xxx Margreet

Lori m said...

Beccy, your cards are stunning, I love the holly against the crisp white embossed cards, stunning, hugs, Lori m

Megan J said...

Hi Beccy, I love the two cards with the embossed background and the holly picks. I have loved looking at all the other participants entries as well as your inspiration posts. Hopefully next year the physios will let me craft some more. I hope you are enjoying your travels and are avoiding our severely flooded Plains, have a wonderful weekend.... Megan

terrie said...

Beccy, you finished with two elegant cards, so simple but very elegant...
I can't begin to say how much fun I had doing the cards & challenges November 2022
I look forward to it every year.
You have such a generous heart with your prizes and making comments on every entry.
I wonder did you even slept during the month of November, I ask cause every day I opened your forum there was races, winners and inspirations from you.
I "Thank You" from the bottom of my heart for what you do for us crafters.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and looking forward to a Happy New Year with you.

Mandy said...

Beccy This month has absolutely flown by in general but especially as I have been frantically making and posting cards for the absolute best challenge in the whole of blogland.

The joy you gain from us participating is radiated outwards by the many generous gifts you bestow upon us mere mortals.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I love making Christmas cards the best and look forward to this challenge so much. I am sure I speak for all of us that we have so much gratitude for the inspiration and instruction you give freely not only in this challenge but on your whole blog.

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

OH! Beccy you are so wonderful to organise and be on the ball with everything, takes a lot of work from you. All I can say is Well Done. I love these so simple embossed but very beautiful cards.
Faith x
Happy Christmas and wishing you another successful 2023.