Monday, November 30
One Last Time!
Comment Winner - Day Twenty-Nine

Race Winners!!!
Winning Number!
Day 30 - Do What You Love
Sunday, November 29
Ready, Set, Go!
Winning Number!
Comment Winner - Day Twenty-Eight
Yeah, just posted my W entrence but it's also with yellow. Thanks for the inspiration words, hihihi. Your card Beccy is gorgeous, something out of a Dickens story!

Day 29 - "Z"
Comment Winner - Day Twenty-Seven
Oooh Beccy this is so shiny and looks good enough to eat. When I was a child I loved nothing more than crunching into a big lollipop like that. As an adult you are always a bit more wary of crunching just in case it's the worst kind of crunch that sends you to the dentist...... the joys of getting older eh? LOL
Thankyou for the kind comment on my blog. I have a whacking headache and my chest feels like I have a baby elephant sitting in it. Just listening to my body, getting some extra sleep when I can as I am pooped!

😒Many years ago, my dad lost part of a tooth in exactly that way Mandy. I hope you're feeling better very soon.
Saturday, November 28
Saturday Weekly Winners!
Day 28 - "Y"
Friday, November 27
Comment Winner - Day Twenty-Six
Beautiful card, Beccy. Love your idea of a 'White with one' card and I'm sure there is a bottle of 'W'hite 'W'ine in the tall present! xx

Day 27 - "X"
Thursday, November 26
Winning Number!
Comment Winner - Day Twenty-Five
A beautiful tree Beccy - we have our tree up ready for the grandkids to decorate on Thanksgiving day - it is our family tradition! Have a blessed week - I am so far behind in commenting! Catching up!

Day 26 - "W"
Wednesday, November 25
Comment Winner(s) - Day Twenty-Four
You used amazing colors - non-traditional.
When the children were little, each year they invented the color of the holidays, made decorations, and bought candles and napkins. I remember how hard it was to find something suitable when they wanted to make yellow Christmas Holidays. But we made it - it was yellow - spring on winter.
Hugs Danka

My husband passed by my computer a couple minutes ago and I had this "U" post up on my screen. He asked me what I was going to do for "U" and I said I hadn't decided yet. So he said, "I think you should do red underwear! You know the long john type of underwear." I asked him where he thought I would get an image like that and he said, "I'll pose for you!" LOL!
Beautiful card! I adore that color combination and so gorgeous for Christmas!

Danka, I can imagine how difficult it was trying to theme your Christmas colours each year... Oh, the things we do to bring a smile to our children's faces!
And Donna... well, your comment just made me laugh!
Winning Number!
Race Winners!!!
Day 25 - "V"
Tuesday, November 24
Ready, Set, Go!
Comment Winner - Day Twenty-Three
I love this stamp set. The trees are so beautiful, definitely not a Charlie Brown tree. Your coloring is spot on and your tree just glows. When we set our tree up the other day with the twins (no ornaments yet as I'm still afraid they would just pull them off), Arthur was all about the lights. But Valerie's comment was "where's the presents?" Always two steps ahead of us! LOL!

Day 24 - "U"
Monday, November 23
Comment Winner - Day Twenty-Two
Darling card. Love the colors! Isn't it amazing all the different colors and flavors that candy canes come in? I'm guessing these blue and pink canes are raspberry. The kids always take the blue lollipops out of the bag first. I'm not sure if they like the flavor or the color it makes their lips, tongue and teeth. Yuck!

Day 23 - "T"
Sunday, November 22
Comment Winner - Day Twenty-One
Oh Beccy, I just love the look on Rudolph's face, as if "butter wouldn't melt in his mouth". Your friend must be such great fun to be with...treasure her, as we need people like her in these uncertain times. The sentiment really makes me giggle, and I love the simplicity of your card design.
Jennifer. x

Day 22 - "S"
Saturday, November 21
Comment Winner - Day Twenty
I was intrigued by what the flowers were on you wreath and saw the word gumnuts in your sentiments so did a research mission on Google. They are super fluffy and look so fabulous in photos and in your wreath. I love how the flowers then turn into the nuts.
However in doing this research I came across some adorable illustrations of tiny 'Gumnut Babies' by May Gibbs and Snugglepot and Cuddlepie. In the UK I had no knowledge of these which is a great travesty as they are so very cute.
Beccy, thank you for sharing your beautiful card and leading me onto this winding path of discovery. I love that this card challenge can open us up to little gems that we never knew existed.
Ladies - if your read this comment go search for Gumnut Babies and you can see the cuteness for yourselves. It has honestly made my heart happy.