Saturday, May 2

April Winners

Congratulations to the April Challenge Winners!
Swissie, Suzanne H., and Yvonne G.
You are the randomly chosen winners of last month's challenge.
If you already have a Beccy's Place store account, I'll be adding a $20.00AU credit very soon.
If not, please email me at to claim your prize.


cris pazmiño said...

TFS. Congratu;atioons to the winners.
Do you have any mesurements for the sketch?

Beccy said...

Hi Cris. There are no measurements for the sketch, you can make your card as large or small as you like. It's just to give you a little bit of inspiration.

Lisa Lynn said...

Congrats to the winners on your wonderful creations.

Swissie said...

Thank you so much for the prize! HAPPYYYYY!!!!!!
Congrats to Suzanne and Yvonne!

Teresa said...


Jackie T said...

Congratulations to all the winners. Hugs Jackie

KT Fit Kitty said...

Congrats to the lucky winners! I'm especially excited for my friend, Suzanne! Yay!

Gail said...

Happy Dance to all winners! YEAH

terrie said...

Congrats to the three winners....way to go ladies.

Suzanne H said...

Thanks so much! I can't wait to buy some more lovely images!