Wednesday, November 27


There's Going To Be A Race
At exactly 10:00am (AEST) a race will begin!

How to prepare:
1. Photograph your card
2. Upload the photograph of your card to your blog
3. Start the process of adding your blog link to the challenge... but don't hit that last button!
4. Open a second browser to watch for the race start
5. Sit with your finger over the button
6. Hit that button when the race starts!!

Best of luck to all our intrepid racers!


Sarah Warren said...

Thank you for letting us know, now if only I can make it.

Suze said...

Did a google search to see what time that 10am AEST was in NZ and it told me midday (which had already been at the time this was posted). Obviously can't rely on Time Converters being accurate.

Kathy D. said...

Darn Work! Darn Food! Darn Family....just kidding. Busy all day at work so didn't have a chance to check the phone. Picked up dinner and so ate with the hubby when I got home...I'm not a fan of cold food! Then the pups had to go potty. So I checked my phone and saw the race was announced and I still missed it!! I have a post I need to get ready just case it's needed! Then I hope to de-stress and play with some paper!

Mandy said...

Congratulations to one and all for taking part.

10am AEST is Midnight in the UK and I was fast asleep in the land of nod :)

TracyM #6773 said...

OOOH, looks like it has been an exciting day! Why have I been ignoring my computer and working on my cards instead? I have resisted temptation to peek, perhaps because my fingers were too inky, now I'm in catch-up mode, getting that adrenaline rush just when my day is nearly over, The Sandman is going to face a challenge now :)

Kathy D. said...

Suze - I found this one and it has helped a lot. I just leave it running in a tab so I can switch over and see if Beccy is sleeping or awake to play!