Thursday, December 2

The challenge gallery has been hopping all month long with awesome creations, new card folds, fabulous images and card designs. It's been such a pleasure to take time each day to look through all the beautiful blogs and read the comments you've been leaving for me and each other, it's lovely to be part of such a supportive and friendly community!


  1. It was soooo much fun, thank you for all your inspiration, sweet comments and your genorositie!!

  2. Please do not get tired of hearing this - hehe - But honestly - this is such a fun challenge - the creativity by everyone is inspiring - yes, I took time too look through - I did some commenting along the way - but I have to say - everyone did a great job with their art-- it is always a pleasure to enter each November - I am not sure how many years I have been here--- yet I do look forward to creating and entering - and reading the comments - seeing the winners - and one thing I found with the crafting community - is kindness and lovely comments [even when you think - now why did I put that up - it is not that good] because we are our own worst critic - nevertheless - it is a blast to be a participant-- Wishing everyone a fabulous Christmas and wonderful 2022 - each day of life is a gift - that is why it is called the present - Blessings - enjoy life.

  3. Beccy , jij ook heel hartelijk bedankt.
    Zonder jou was deze challenge niet mogelijk geweest.
    Nogmaals dank.
    Groetjes Elle-jeanne

  4. I also love being a part of this community. I love all the cool and beautiful card ideas that I get from the month's challenge. But, of course, we wouldn't be able to have any of this if it wasn't for you Beccy. You are truly a generous person, and I am honored to know you and be a part of your challenge.

  5. THANK YOU SO MUCH Beccy!!!

    It was an AMAZING month!!!

    I was INSPIRED every day, by YOU and EVERYONE,
    I had FUN all-month-long,
    I was THRILLED to have completed "30-in-30"
    I'm SO GRATEFUL to you for taking the time to come visit and comment on my projects too - YOU are WONDERFUL :)

  6. Thank you for another November of Holiday Cards. It was the push I needed to try some new techniques. I have finished the month with a lovely stack of cards and some new skills. I still have many of the scraps tutorials to try but having started making them I'm sure that I will work my way through the rest.

  7. You made it so much fun for all of us! Thank YOU, Beccy! Thank you for your daily inspiration cards and prompts, your kind words on my blog, your heart-pumping races, your adorable stamps and digis, your generosity in giveaways and prizes, and for just being you! It was a lot of fun! I also enjoyed reading people's comments on your blog, even the non-winning ones, so much humour and creativity! I truly enjoy this annual event and it has become a tradition that really motivates and inspires me to make more cards than I thought possible! So thank YOU!

  8. Also from me A BIG THANK YOU!
    Thank you, Beccy, - and thank you all!
    I'm looking forward to next November!
    Hugs from Switzerland,

  9. I am privileged that I discovered your site and this November Challenge.
    It's unbelievable how many things I learned just trying to do something new, each day.And watching such a creative group of friends!
    Thank you again, Beccy! For the inspiration, for the comments for your fabulous work with us and for us!
    Have a beautiful December!

  10. Thank you again Beccy for the fun challenges! I hope that you are taking a much deserved rest. It always amazes me how you find the time to comment on every entry. It boggles my mind. You are inspiring!

  11. You always make this so fun! The whole year is fun, but this really tops it off! Thank you SO MUCH!

  12. Beccy, thank you for bringing back the fun and joy to the holiday season. Your' sharing is beyond kind and pretty designs always inspire me, thank you again, hugs, Lori m

  13. Thank you Beccy for the Holiday challenge, so much inspiration and fun!

  14. I had so many projects planned and time got in the way so didn't complete as many as I would have liked. I got pipped at the post a couple of times on the races (either just a bit too early or too late)... blooming working got in the way :(

    Congratulations to all the participants who won prizes and for all the lovely entries.

    Beccy, once again you have shown such amazing generosity. Thankyou for all the lovely comments and prizes. Your month long holiday challenge is a huge highlight of my crafting year

  15. Thank YOU, Beccy!
    These challenges are always fun.
    I haven't been able to read your posts and all of the comments each day, but I definitely had fun.
    Marianne x

  16. Thank you is such a small word to say to you Beccy for making November Challenge 2021 so unique and fun...your generosity, your comments to each and every one is beyond words..your inspirations every day just warmed my heart and was pure Joy to wake up each day and seeing what letter then sitting there to create a card or project...I just loved it.
    Beccy have a Happy Holiday with your family & friends and hope you'll find time to sit back and relax....

  17. Let's do it again next year, y'all. It was so much fun. [Bunny]

  18. Thank you for making this possible, thank you for making us better crafters.
    Have a blessed Christmas.
    Conny, Denmark

  19. It was a great moment of inspiration and fun, AND it made that I now have enough Christmas cards ready ! GinaX
