Wednesday, December 1

The Final Winners

I have five extra prizes rattling around the bottom of my prize bag
that I think should go to this year's most prolific crafters...

Congratulations to
Gail (167 entries)
Suze (124 entries)
Sarah W. (99 entries)
Yvonne G. (73 entries)
Suzanne H. (37 entries)

You've each won a $10.00AU store credit at Beccy's Place.
If you already have a Beccy's Place store account, I'll be adding a $10.00AU credit very soon.
If not, please email me at to claim your prize.


  1. CONGRATULATIONS Gail, Suze, Sarah, Yvonne and Suzanne!!!!!

    WOW - I am IN AWE of how many wonderful projects you have created and shared with us - THANK YOU for the INSPIRATION :)

  2. Congrats to the winners!
    Have a great day!

  3. Wow! This figures are amazing!

    Congratulations for doing so many beauties!

  4. OH my goodness - Happy Dance to all of the prolific crafters - Whoot Whoot - you were on a roll - and I am excited to be on the list--- It truly has been so much fun - I enjoy entering each year - - gives me a good stash of cards to bless other - [especially those in nursing homes. We are all blessed to be a blessing-- thanks again Beccy for having the November challenge - winning is frosting on the cake and I must say. I do like to get a lick or two. Merry Christmas to all and to all... keep on crafting!

  5. Way to go ladies in the winning of the random challenge...
    Holy cow that is a lot of entries per crafters...well done

  6. Thanks so much! I was hoping for one card a day and I've surpassed my own goal. They are almost all in the mail already. Congratulations to the others and everyone who entered!

  7. Woot, woot! Congratulations to these very prolific crafters!

  8. Big congrats to the winners and many thanks to Beccy for all you do and share, wishing everyone Holiday Blessings, hugs, Lori m

  9. Wow. We have had a busy month.
    You must have spent a fair bit of time counting up everyone's entries too Beccy.
    Thanks so much for the month of November challenge. It has pushed me to try a whole heap of new card folds that otherwise I would have got around to at some point in the future. I hope you enjoy making them too.
    Thanks also for your generosity with the prizes.
    It was a heap of fun and kept us on our toes all month.

  10. Massive congratulations to all of you ladies for the amazing number of entries. Your recognition and prizes are very well deserved.
