Saturday, December 4

Tutorial - Gift Card Treat Box

I love a cute little treat box or a sweet gift card holder at this time of year, so combining both is twice the fun! You can fill the box with sweets or a small present and slip a gift card or some cash in the side pocket... perfect for all the teenagers in your life!

NOTE: I used a sheet of A4 card stock to create this project. If you cannot purchase card stock in A4 size where you live, simply cut a piece of 12"x12" card down to 111/2" x 81/4".


1. Place the card stock horizontally on your score board and score at 23/4", 71/4", 81/4", 10" and 11".

2. Turn the card stock so that it's now vertical on your score board, with the last score line you made in step one, closest to the top. See the photo below.

3. Score 13/4" from the left edge, starting at the top of the card stock and ending at the fourth score line. Repeat on the right hand side.

4. Place the card stock horizontally on your cutting mat and cut away sections from all four corners. The left hand corners are cut 13/4" from the top and bottom edge to the second score line. The right hand corners are cut 13/4" from the top and bottom edge to the first score line you come to. (NOTE: The cutting lines should line up with the score lines added in step 3).

5. Cut along the score lines as shown in the image below. You should now have three tabs at the top and three tabs at the bottom of your card stock. These pieces will form the top and bottom closures for your box.

6. Trim the two outer tabs on the top and bottom of the card stock to 1/2" tall.

7. Score the centre tabs, top and bottom, 3/4" from the edge of the card stock. Fold along all the score lines pressing firmly with a score tool.

8. If desired, round off the corners of each tab with a corner punch or small pair of scissors.

9. The first section of card stock will fold over to form the pocket for a gift card. As you can see in the photo below, it is much larger than a standard gift card, which will make it difficult to slide the card out of the pocket. To make it smaller, cut off a triangle of card stock from the top, left-hand corner, starting at the first score line and ending at the left side of the card stock.. It doesn't really matter how large the triangle is, but for reference, I came down about 2" from the top.

10. OPTIONAL. Cut a long, narrow window from the centre panel of the box and add a piece of acetate over the top. My window is 3/4" wide and 33/4" long.

11. To decorate, add patterned paper to the different sections of the box. Place one piece on the second panel, keeping in mind that when the pocket is glued shut you will only see the top part of the paper.

12. Flip the card stock over to decorate the outside of the box.

13. Decorate the front panel as desired, then add a strip of glue or double sided tape along the bottom and side edge to create a pocket. Secure it to the second panel.

14. Fold the last panel back and apply glue or double-sided tape to the entire length. Fold it over so that the folded edge lines up with the edge of the pocket you created in step 13. This will form the box.

15. Tuck in the tabs and close the top and bottom of the box. Add your gift card and fill with candy before giving it to someone special!



  1. Oh wow Beccy this is gorgeous. I love it. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  2. Thank you for the tutorial, Beccy!
    I must try this.

  3. Such a fun creation, Beccy
    Marianne x

  4. Love this, Beccy. Thanks for the tutorial. xx

  5. Thank you for the tutorial, sweets are always good and love the idea for the giftcard! It looks so festive!

  6. So clever and great card and gift in one Beccy.
    Faith x

  7. This is so cute. What a nice way to give a little. something to make someone happy.

    I missed the last part of card challenge. My brother was here from the west coast and I hadn't seen him in 3 1/2 years. I still have my "Y" card as a draft. I don't think I'll save it for next year though. It was a fun time, Becch. Thanks ever so much.[Bunny]

  8. What a wonderful and fun project...perfect for any occasion...
    Thanks for the tutorial.

  9. Fabulous gift box and card, thank you for the tutorial, I will have to give this a try, hugs, Lori m

  10. WOW - this is a WONDERFUL gift idea Beccy!

    Thank you for the tutorial :)

  11. Hoi is een heel leuk doosje om kado te geven.

    Het zijn geen centimeters maten. Hoe kan ik hem dan toch maken.

    Vriendelijke groet jolanda Wander

  12. Hi Jolanda,
    You would have to convert the measurements from inches to centimetres. Google has a conversion calculator that's very simple to use, just look up "conversion inches to centimetres" and lots of free calculators will pop up.
    Good luck!
