Saturday, November 3

Saturday Weekly Winners

The very first Saturday of the month has already arrived and that means it's time for our first round of winners. There are already so many fabulous projects that have been entered into the challenge, so it was a difficult choice, but here they are...

Angela (11)
Liv (Swissie) (23)
Irene (Dandi93) (26)
I'll be adding a $10.00AU store credit to your account very soon.

There are still LOADS of prizes to be won this month, so make sure you get your cards and projects in early!


  1. Thank you very much, dear Beccy!
    Congrats to Angela and Irene!
    Wishing you and all your users a nice weekend.
    Hugs, Liv

  2. Thank you so much Beccy. I'm so excited to buy a few more images to work with. Congratulations to all of the other winners as well.

  3. CONGRATULATIONS Everyone :)
    It is WONDERFUL to see so many Christmas cards filling the gallery already!

  4. Congratulations to the Saturday winners! Well done!

  5. Congrats to all of the winners...
    It's been a pleasure looking at all of the entries so far..
    Well done everyone!

  6. Woww, I just see that my bear card is one of this weeks winners. Thank you so much Beccy!
    Congrats to Irene and Swissie!
    Have a lovely sunday.
