Tuesday, November 8

A Few More Prizes

I'm so happy to see all the wonderful entries that have been added to the challenge so far this month. Don't forget that all cards are eligible for prizes throughout the month, so get your cards and projects in early to maximise your chances of winning.

 Today's prizes are going out to all the people who have
already created five or more cards for the challenge.

Congratulations to:
Debi B.
Gail Scott
Swissie (Liv)

Well done everyone! Please visit my online store to select a set of digital stamps. Email your choice to me at beccysplace@bigpond.com


  1. Wow, happy dance☺☺....congrats to the other winners!
    xxx Margreet

  2. Thank you so much again, Beccy!
    Cheers, Liv

  3. Whoot! Whoot! I am so behind in reading the post but arrived here a few days later Nov 10th - thanks for the posting and Happy Dance win! Blessings and Congrats to all names posted here!
