Tuesday, January 25

Old Boots in Colour

I had an email request from the lovely Sheila for a coloured version of the Old Boots. The uncoloured line drawing of this image is right here.
UPDATE: At the request of the lovely Cely, here are the colours I used for the old boots:
Socks - 0, C1, C3, C5
Boots - 0, E25, E27, E29
Boot Soles - 0, W7, W9, 100


  1. I am so glad that I found your site again compliments of Free Digital Stamps. I had downloaded your bears and used them on a card for my sister-in-law. She wanted to know who drew the design and all I had was the B under the image.You are an amazing artist and I would love to have a fraction of your talent.
    Thanks so much for your sharing.

  2. Thank you for sharing your image with us
    I love them all, you are a amazing artist and hope no one will break this
    thank you again for all the image that you give us

  3. Another whole lot of wonderful images, I missed seeing your creations while you were away, glad to see you enjoyed your holiday and are back home safe and sound.

  4. Hummm... I thought I had left a comment.....how could I have not....cause I think this is awesome. I'm so excited.....can't wait to try and color as pretty as you.

  5. Forgot to ask....what copic colors did you use? Can you share that?
