Sunday, February 23

Tutorial - Christmas Chickens I

I enjoy making little changes and additions to my images so they can be used for occasions other than for what they were originally intended. It's a great way to extend the use of your products while giving you wonderfully unique creations.

Over the next few posts, I'm going to show you three ways to alter the chickens from the Hey Chick set to give you a whole bunch of happy holiday hens! You can apply the same techniques to other images too... it's just a matter of being creative.

The first project involves adding Santa hats, so you'll need to choose images that have enough space on their heads to "wear" a hat. You'll also need some red cardstock or paper and something for the fur trim, such as puff paint, cotton wool or felt.

Place your cardstock face down on the desk and lay one of the chickens on top. Use a pencil to trace around the head giving you a guide for the size and shape of the hat you need. Repeat for the other images.

Draw hat shapes around the outlines with your pencil, making sure all of the image will be contained within the hat. Cut out the shapes with a small pair of scissors and place over the images to make sure they fit well.

Glue the hats in place then apply your "fur". I'm using puff paint, which increases in volume and texture when a heat tool is applied. I added some paint along the bottom edge of the hat to create the trim as well as a spot on the tip for a pompom.

It's an easy and cute way to transform your everyday characters into Christmas cuties!



  1. Wat ontzettend leuk!
    Ik hou hier ook van, zo kan je je digi's of stempels nòg meer gebruiken.
    Ik maakte een kaart met een (oude) kippen digi van jou voor mijn zus.
    Ik zette de digi 3x achter elkaar, zo lopen ze de polonaise, ook zo grappig.
