Friday, November 29

Let's Go Treasure Hunting!

Find the secret code word that has been posted somewhere in a previous November challenge. Once you've found the word, come back here and post it as a comment. The first person to do so will win a $10.00AU store credit at Beccy's Place.

Treasure Hunt Clue:
"Not so long ago"
Once the winner has been announced, the code word will be deleted from the blog.
Happy hunting!


  1. Oops, I think I clicked "publish" before I said where I found the turkey!
    CODE WORD: turkey
    Day 11 – J – 11th November 2024

  2. Good luck to those treasure hunting. I wasn't home when it started but wouldn't have participated anyway as my eyes don't like all that scrolling.

  3. I'm sure it has been found by now. I need to go finish Turkey dinner so we can eat tonight!! See you later!

  4. I'm sure I was late to the party. I was cleaning up our Thanksgiving Day meal and wasn't able to check the site until afterwards.
