Sunday, November 19

Day 19 - "Q"

Quilting is my go-to for the "Q" prompt, and although I do have a few images that feature quilted fabric, I decided to alter Santa's coat instead. I've added a few images at the end of the post for anyone interested in the process.

YOUR TURN: Create a card or papercraft project using the letter "Q" as your prompt.
Click on the link below to add a photo of your creation to the challenge:

quilt, quilted paper, quote, quilling, quill, quiet, quarter fold card, quatro fold, quartz

Digital Stamps:


  1. What a great artist you are Beccy!
    I absolutely love Santa's coat 🤩

  2. Quite the quilted look. I've already decided on a quilted image to fit the fold that I am going to do but I need to remember this tip and try it at some point.

  3. Oh wow, this is so cute. Great job and thank you for showing us how you di the card.

  4. Love Santa's quilted coat in those beautiful colours. Also love the matching 'things' of Rudolph. Thanks for the phototutorial.
    Gorgeous snowflake with the button and rope bow.
    Santa's list is a huge one.
    xxx Margreet

  5. Don't they both look so handsome in their quilted coat!

  6. Your artistic talent keeps me in awe each day. How very blessed you are and thank you for openly sharing you artwork especially through your blog postings. I adore how you quickly added the patchwork to the Santa's jacket and love the pink and green combo. Another amazing holiday card! ~ Pam

  7. Santa looks Quite dashing in his Quilted suit!
    Thank you for the tutorial Beccy :)

    ... after careful consideration I can say that Q has me in Quite a Quandary as I stare at today's prompt Quizzically. Over the years I have created to the beat of Quick and Quirky, I have Quakingly Quilled and my Qualms have Quadrupled as I Quiver in fear, trying to come up with a Quality creation Quicksmart.

  8. How fun! Thanks for the pictures of how you created the fun quilt effect. Your color choices remind me of a quilt my husband's grandmother made. She was an extremely talented seamstress. If any of my husband's brother or sisters would stay with her overnight they would come home with a brand new set of clothes. One dedicated grandmother. I can't do that.

  9. Hi Beccy, a suitably dressed wintery Santa, and love Tracy M. comment above quite a quirky quote Tracy! This time of year always brings Quality Street Chocolates... Have a wonderful week... Megan

  10. I love how you colored quilted his coat, such a great idea.
    The card is also fantasticc....well done Beccy.

  11. Love this quilt look, I still use your quilted numbers set for kids.
