Sunday, November 27

Day 27 - "Y"

Last year I used yellow to colour a poinsettia, which is something I hadn't done before but ended up liking a lot. This year I decided to try again with the yellow, choosing a gift stack from one of my favourite sets and teaming it with a Christmassy sentiment.

YOUR TURN: Create a card or project using the letter "Y" as your prompt.
Click the link below to add your creation to the challenge:

Yule, yuletide, yule log, yellow, yo-yo spinner cards



  1. Yay for yellow. Yellow is one of my favorite colors and these gifts look gorgeous in yellow.

  2. Great idea to colour the presents in yellow. Love the embossed border at the bottom too! Creative regards, Gina

  3. Great idea to use yellow presents. Would love to receive them.
    xxx Margreet

  4. Love the packages in yellow and so unexpected for a Christmas card. I love the band of embossing at the bottom. I'll have to try that.

  5. Y FOR YES I remember the yellow poinsettia it was stunning and love the yellow presents during YULE Time so only 2 more Y and that is YOU Have made another fab card

  6. Yes, please! to the yellow! It happens to be my favorite color! The packages look beautiful!

  7. Very nice card. I love the different yellows in it. My Mother-In-Law would love this card because yellow is her favorite color.

  8. Beautiful card, it looks great in yellow. xx

  9. GORGEOUS!!!

    ... I was going to say "WOW" then racked my brain for a "Y" word ... now I'm showing my age and have to confess that "YOWSAH YOWSAH YOWSAH" is bouncing around in my head to a CHIC disco beat :)

  10. Hi Beccy, a wonderful card to use the letter 'y' for yellow. I have loved peering through the latest cards and checking out some more inspiration... have a wonderful weekend... Megan

  11. Yellow is my favourite colour <3 Looks awesome on the gifts

  12. Yellow is not my favorite colour, but these presents are so beautiful. I would be very happy to receive one of them and unpack them! I love the digi!
    xxx Caroline

  13. I would never have thought to use mainly yellow for Christmas but it does work. I love how challenges inspire us to change things up and look at our stash in different ways.
    Love the way your card turned out. The embossed strip is a great addition to ground your image in addition to the shading.
    Marianne x

  14. I love these yellow shades, so pretty, hugs, Lori m

  15. A little bit of sunshine under the tree!! We would love to have that in my part of the world!

  16. Oh, I do love the surprising yellow, Beccy! I remember the poinsettia you did last year and how delightful it was. I'm running out of time to get the rest of the alphabet completed and I may have to try something yellow simply for the ease of not having to think up anything new and different. :-D

  17. Elegant and warm this card, with so much yellow!
    I wonder what they hide inside!

  18. In Ecuador yellow is a color you use at the end of the year to have good luck all the year round. So good choice Beccy. I hope the coming year is full of joy and surprises. Thanks for sharing.

  19. I'm looking in seeing everyone's yellow card or project....this will be the first for me to use the color of yellow...
    Great looking card Beccy love it.
