Tuesday, November 15

Day 15 - "M"

I used pencils to colour a partial image of Santa on kraft cardstock, then added a Merry Christmas sentiment to complete my project. You might have already guessed that there's a second card using the other half of my image... it's another technique I really enjoy and a good way to add extra cards to the stash!

YOUR TURN: Create a card or papercraft project using the letter "M" as your prompt.
Click the link below to add a photo of your creation to the challenge:

mistletoe, mittens, mouse, manger, merry, Mary, matchbox card, magic window card, markers, masking, menorah, metal, microbeads, mixed media, mauve, magenta



  1. Oh, Beccy wat een leuke kerstkaart met de kerstman .
    Maar waar is de andere helft, van de kaart gevallen of nog in Lapland.
    Groetjes Elle-Jeanne

  2. OMG…. You chopped Santa in half! Not quite sure how I feel about that to be honest, it seems kind of brutal :(

    Do you have sticks of rock in Australia? They are a traditional sweet that has always been a seaside staple in the UK. It has letters rolled into it that are all the way through the stick if you break it. I bet Santa would have Ho Ho Ho or Merry Christmas running all the way through him if you snapped him in half.


  3. Do you color the whole image at once or half and half? I guess it doesn't matter, I was just wondering. Very pretty on kraft.

  4. Oh I love these off the page cards makes me want to look round the corner or is that too much egg nog lol. I guess you get 2 for the price of one. Cant beat that at Christmas can you.

  5. What a super cute idea to stamp the Santa off the card front. Brilliant!

  6. Such a MERRY card Beccy, the split design works perfectly with Kraft against the red base!!!

    It's always a bonus when you get to make two-fer cards, can't wait to see what the other half of Santa has been up too :)

  7. Love this half-Santa on kraft! What a great idea to get a two-fer! Love the coloring on this image!

  8. Hi Beccy, well it is already mid month of your fun month long cards, I am yet to post any cards online although did manage to batch make a few. Love your Santa card with such a Merry fellow. Have a good one... Megan

  9. Such a jolly card, it seems like santa is really watching us!

  10. Such a fun idea, Love your coloring!

  11. Santa, I will have a plate of cookies and some milk out for you, you're half the size now and will need the boost LOL.

    Beccy this is amazing, you always show me something pretty to try in my card making.

    Hugs, Lori m

  12. Ho, Ho, Ho! Love your colouring on kraft!

  13. So smart, but also a bit pitiful for Santa, that you cut him in half to make 2 cards with him. Great colouring on kraft (will have to do that too....once).
    xxx Margreet

  14. Oh Beccy, you have done it now! Not sure Santa is going to like being cut in half 😅. Is this the naughty or nice side? You might just get coal in your stocking 😊

  15. I used your poinsettia cut in 4 idea last year, I wish I had thought that you could also use an image. So clever of you.
    Faith x

  16. Terrible idea chopping up Santa! I'm going to assume his other half is still in good shape because I refuse to believe you have even one tiny bone of cruelty in you. :-D
