Friday, November 11

Day 11 - "J"

Joy to the World is one of my favourite Christmas carols and I love to use the lyrics on holiday cards. I think the sentiment works well with so many different types of images, from the awed joy of the Three Kings to the excitement of little children finding their gifts under the tree on Christmas morning.

YOUR TURN: Create a card or papercraft project using the letter "J" as your prompt.
Click on the link to upload a photo of your creation:

joy, jolly, Jesus, Jack Frost, jingle bells, Joyeux Noel, joy fold card, jade, jonquil, jungle green



  1. So pretty against the black background!

  2. Beccy's wonderful card. When I look at Three Kings characters I always have a moment of awe. It's so divine to get gifts from people and God.

  3. The colours of your trio of kings look striking against your starry background. Greet to see Christmas cards in non-traditional colours

  4. Theis is very cute Beccy. I love the coloring on the Kings robes.

  5. Love the way the colors POP on that dark background. Non traditional colors make it even prettier.

  6. The Three Kings look so good on the dark background. The stars also show up so bright. Pretty card!

  7. I think I need more sleep - I first read that as the Kings bringing the presents to the children on Christmas morning.

  8. Yes Joy is what the world needs now, beautiful card!

  9. Love this night sky! Beautiful design and colors on the images too!

  10. The three kings look very mystirious with the black sky. Lovely how the big star lightens their way ahead! Creative regards, Gina

  11. Delightful card Beccy!

    The colours look stunning against the dark star-filled sky!

  12. Gorgeous card, Beccy, and I adore the lack background! I have your other set of Wisemen and have plans for using them in a day or two but this set is magnificent. Great colors on their robes.

  13. Love this image and your black background makes it pop to perfection.
