Tuesday, November 1

A Month of Holiday Cards Challenge

Welcome to the Tenth Annual
Month of Holiday Cards Challenge

Yep, you read that right... our Month of Holiday Cards Challenge is turning 10!
During the past decade we have created a whopping 6431 holiday projects for our friends, family and co-workers... and that doesn't include all the fabulous creations from this year! I think we can confidently say that we've done our best to spread a little more joy in the world.

Before we get started, here's a brief reminder of the conditions of entry for the November challenge. They're a little different to our regular monthly challenges, so please have a read through to make sure your entry meets the guidelines:
  • Each day throughout November, I'll post an A-Z letter prompt and card idea to get you inspired. You then use the prompt to create your own holiday themed project, take a photo of it and upload it to the challenge. Remember though, there are only 26 letters in the alphabet, which means you'll find a few random challenges thrown into the mix!
  • Follow the link at the bottom of any of this month's posts to upload your creations to the challenge. There's no limit on how many cards or projects you create but they must be holiday themed (any holiday) and created during the month of November 2022.
  • All the projects submitted will be eligible for prizes throughout the entire month, so get your cards in early!
  • Store credit won during any Beccy's Place challenge is only redeemable for digital stamps. All values are in Australian dollars.
  • Entries can be uploaded to the challenge from any hosted site including blogs, online galleries, Google photos, etc. If you do not have access to a hosted site, please feel free to email your photos to me and I will add them from the Beccy's Place Guest blog.
  • Beccy's Place designers may enter the monthly challenge but are not eligible to win prizes.

~ ~ ~ How To Win ~ ~ ~ 
Daily Comments
Every day a clever, funny or inspirational comment will be chosen,
winning its author $5 store credit at Beccy's Place.

Weekly Winners
Every Saturday during November I'll select three cards from amongst the submissions.
Each card artist will win $10 store credit at Beccy's Place.

Random Winners
Races, lucky numbers, random draws and other fun activities may happen throughout
the month winning lucky card artists $10 store credit at Beccy's Place.

Grand Prize
At the end of November, one random entrant will win a year's worth of digital stamps.


  1. Ohh, that's a surprise, it's already started!! Just entered my first card, also the first christmas card I made this year :)

  2. Wow! 6,431 in 10 years is pretty amazing!

    What a wonderful thing to think we love making cards and the joy has been spread to so many people.

    Thankyou Beccy for running these challenges, for the wonderful comments you leave on every entry and your continued generosity throughout the whole challenge. To me this is the start of the Christmas season.

    Love Mandy xxx

  3. Woot, woot! Happy 10 years of the Annual Holiday Card Challenge! Wow, Beccy, that's amazing! Congratulations! I wish you many more years of holiday challenges!

    It's still October here so I'll be back tomorrow to join in! I'll be jumping around in the alphabet as I've done in previous years! I am so excited to play along again this year and what an amazing Grand Prize for one lucky winner! Thank you! Looking forward to the inspiration!

  4. Thanks so much for the challenge. I love it every year again.
    All the best!
    Ilse (thera)

  5. It's that time of the year again 😀
    Good luck with your Challenge Beccy!

  6. I can't wait to see what everyone links up. I wanted to send some Thanksgiving cards this year because I still haven't seen some of my friends with chronic illness since Covid started. This challenge has me inspired. Thanks so much for hosting!

  7. It's the MOST WONDERFUL TIME of the YEAR!

    I'm ready to get started on my ABC's of Christmas now :)

  8. It's only 20 min. past midtnight here in Denmark, but I just had to hop on, and wish you a big congratulations on your 10 year anniversary. I am thankful for the day I found your blog. I wish you all the happiness, in the world - and may your dreams come true.

  9. Best challenge of the year, it's time to get those stamps rockin' and rollin'!

  10. This looks fun - hopefully I can enter a few times :)

  11. What a big party this is, the festive Christmas month starts a month earlier, yippee xx

  12. Congrats on your 10th year of your November month long of cards & challenges...
    Let the party begin.

  13. Hello
    your challenges are fantastic but the November one is unique and mythical.
    Thank you for your great effort in creating this magic in anticipation of Christmas. Happy scrap!!! Taty

  14. I haven't taken part in this before Beccy, and did mean to start at the beginning of the month, but unexpected problems have stopped me until now, but will try and link one or two more before it finishes. I can see that this is very popular and there are some fabulous entries, and great of you to run it for this 10th year..a great achievement! x

  15. I wish I had found this before now Beccy - will definitely look for it next year - and try and add a couple of cards now...
