Saturday, May 15

Everything Papercraft - Jewels

Most card makers and scrapbookers know all about jewels! Often called “bling”, they add sparkle and interest to paper craft projects and can usually be purchased at a reasonable price. The jewels used in paper crafts are generally manufactured from acrylic, but you can also purchase glass or even quartz rhinestones from some specialty stores.

The original rhinestones were rock crystals found on the shores of the Rhine River in Austria, hence their name. But as they became depleted, resourceful jewellers developed techniques to duplicate the look of the original stones. Nowadays we can purchase paper crafting jewels that are self-adhesive and acid free. We can even find words and beautifully swirly shapes that have been picked out in jewels ready to add to our projects.


  1. Beautiful cards! Great works of art!

  2. Hi Beccy your cards are gorgeous. I love them both. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  3. Beautiful, the jewels in your first card seems to be lighted!
    Enjoy your day,
