Sunday, November 29

Day 29 - "Z"

Z is for Z-fold and the end of the alphabet! Tomorrow is the last day, and all the seasoned veterans of the Month of Holiday Cards challenge know what that means...

YOUR TURN: Create a card using the letter "Z" as your prompt.
Click on the link below to add your creation to the challenge:

Z-fold, Z-box fold, Z-fold slider card, zentagle, zzzzz (as in snoring)



  1. Whew This was a fun ride Beccy! I still am creating - but I managed to create every A through Z cards for this challenge - I had a blast! Still creating - as I donate cards and such to a Nursing home so I am always good to over create! Thanks for having the monthly challenge - it went FAST! slow down time = goodness - 2021 will be here before we know it! Have a blessed day!

  2. I'm so glad Stanley Bear made an appearance this year. He's one of my favorite of your designs. He's too precious!

  3. Very cute card. I have never tried the Z fold. Maybe that is something I will try soon.

  4. Fabulous coloring on that bauble. It looks real.

  5. This picture is amazing. I realized that I never fold my card with "Z". But unfortunately "Z" means that it's the end of November and the end of great fun. I wonder what will happen on the last day.

  6. Wow - it's almost over and for me the letters of the alphabet have been very different to yours lol , a little example
    'P ' panic - where has the time gone
    'S' seriously when will I find time
    'Y' you are joking I'm still doing the letter 'E'
    It has been fun as always to see your creations and all those of the lovely people who join in every year - thanks Beccy.

  7. Oh gosh, already at the "Z". I think I will continue in December with my alphabet :) It is too much fun! Love your bright red card and Stanley holding his big red bauble. Time to hang it in the tree, Stanley! Creative regards, Gina

  8. Fabulous colouring as always. I was a little sleepy when thinking what to do for Z, then it came to me!! ZZZZZZZ... , but certainly not with this month's challenge. You have kept us on our toes. I shall miss it all next month.

  9. Hi Beccy this is a stunning Z-fold card. That little bear is so cute. Where did November go. Tomorrow is my hubby's last day at work. After that he is retired. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  10. Zoooo lief ( Sooo sweet) You've colored this cutie wonderfull, love the way you let the light hit the christmas bauble, it looks so round and how the bear is the focal point of your card, he deserves it!
    Enjoy your day,

  11. Cute! I don't know that I ever made a z card.

  12. Wonderful card design and image used. I wish I felt well enough to make a few cards.

  13. I looked high and low for something to do for Z besides a Z-fold card. And the only thing I found was zombie for Halloween. I am not a zombie fan so I guess I'll be doing a Z-fold again. LOL! Stanley looks very dapper with his ornament and plaid paper (one of my personal favorites!) The sentiment almost looks folded over the page. Great card! I am glad to be back home so I have time to finish up the challenge!

  14. How on earth did we get to Z so quickly? this month has completely flown by.

    I did find a zebra in my digis with a santa hat but unfortunately won't have chance to colour and enter. That is maybe one for next year :)

  15. Adorable, I love Stanley and your coloring is always amazing. I totally missed your November challenges. Life is sure getting in the way. Hoping the new year finds you all healthy and happy. Stay Safe and big Hugs, Irene
