Sunday, April 26

Day Twenty-Six

Today's task is to sort and organise your physical stamp collection. Again, this may be a job that requires several days depending on the size of your collection, but it's important to make a start and work in small sections until it's complete.

I have my own collection of stamps all bundled together in a basket on my desk, with no real system of organisation. The rest of the stamps I own are in various boxes and baskets around the room, grouped by theme, occasion or manufacturer. Today I've decided to spend a little bit of time better arranging my own stamps so that I'm no longer having to flip through the entire range to find a particular set.

Sort, decide, organise, store...
I've sorted them into groups to make it a little easier to find what I'm looking for. Placing labels at the top of a piece of card stock, cut slightly taller than each stamp set, creates simple dividers that I can place in alphabetical order in my basket.


  1. Oh Beccy you are so organised. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  2. I'm trying to get mine into Christmas and others! I still come across Christmas first, whilst looking for others!
    Keep safe and well.
    Faith x

  3. I keep my stamps in labelled boxes and a file with the basic index eg box 1 Words and sentiments: box 2 Fairy.
    I also stamp any new stamps into this file in the appropriate section so that if I wanted to make a card with fairies then I can look through my file and choose my stamp before opening the box. I find this works for me and it is a shocking pleasure to see some of my stamps displayed in the folder.....jogs the memory!

  4. I've been trying to do for a long time maybe today I should start to do it.
    Thank you Beccy
