Friday, April 17

Day Seventeen


I love buttons and brads, but I absolutely hate sorting them! They're so small and it takes so long and I generally end up with more on the floor than in the containers. However, I will admit that having them sorted into colours or themes is a great way to cut down on the time you spend searching for just the right one. Most of my buttons and brads are sorted into colours or themes and stored in boxes on shelves around the room.

Spice jars make excellent storage containers for small items like buttons and brads. You can fix a spice rack to the wall or door near your desk so these little embellishments are always within reach.


  1. Amiga estou amando suas dicas diárias, meu scrap room é muito organizado, mas dicas são sempre bem vindas. Quanto aos brads e coisinhas pequenas, tenho uma paciência de santo para classificar, tenho uma pinça bem fina. Obrigada, e beijos.

  2. Great brads are sorting by color but not my buttons maybe one rainy I might sort them.
