Saturday, December 15


More and more of us are becoming conscious of our impact on the planet and taking steps to reduce the damage we're causing. From collecting our own rainwater to composting food scraps and catching public transport, there are many ways to support the environment and help limit further damage.

In general, the paper crafting community embraces many ecologically friendly practices. Many of us are conscious of saving and using our scraps and off-cuts rather than throwing them in the trash. We are often bowerbirds when it comes to collecting interesting items for our mixed media projects, and there are even a dedicated bunch who regularly make their own paper by recycling items that would otherwise end up in the bin.

One of the most dedicated recyclers I know is the lovely Kathy Asper. You can usually find at least one upcycled item on most of Kathy's projects, and it seems there's no end to her creativity. She has used wrapping paper, old invitations, ribbons from packaging and even cardboard from disposable cups. So passionate about reusing as many items as she can, Kathy has even conditioned her extended family to save things for her projects.

With Christmas right around the corner, now is the perfect time to stop and think about the items you're putting in the rubbish bin, especially plastic and card board packaging. Be creative in your thinking and it won't be long until you're regularly adding upcycled elements to your creations too. Not only will you be lending a helping hand to our environment, you'll also be relieving a little bit of the strain on the purse strings as well.

Two of Kathy's cards featuring upcycled items


  1. Love love using recycled cardboard from boxes - always great to recycle and lots of uses for crafting when you let your imagination work - TFS

  2. Hi Beccy this is a stunning pair of cards by Kathy. I too love keeping things to recycle. At the moment I am making cards that help to use up some of the paper snippets I have accumulated. Take care. Hugs Jackie
