Thursday, November 15

Day 15 - "M"

Mistletoe is one of those iconic plants that spring to mind when I think of Christmas, but I recently realised that I've never actually seen a real piece of mistletoe... I don't even know how it actually grows. Is it a bush, a vine, a shrub?? Needless to say, I immediately googled the answer and was quite surprised by what I discovered. It's well worth having a look.

YOUR TURN: Create a card using the letter "M" as your prompt. Click on the link to upload a photo of your creation: 

mistletoe, mittens, manger, merry, Mary, matchbox card, magic window card, markers, masking, menorah, metal, microbeads, mixed media, mauve, magenta


  1. Oh it one thing that I don't buy but finding the real stuff is expensive and hard here. I only bought once and the white berries dropped off but I do like the idea of it on cards and yours is beautiful

  2. I've always loved mistletoe. When I worked I used to hang it in the doorway to my office. I think it may have scared some of the guys away, but that's how I snagged hubby! I did google mistletoe and it was an interesting read indeed! Your card is adorable!

    1. Good for you Kitty. I'll have to tell my daughter your story to see if it could work for her :)

  3. We are getting a botany lesson with this day's letter. Very interesting indeed.

  4. Beautiful card Beccy!
    I love the magic of mistletoe (kiss kiss) and I'm totally fascinated by the magnificent mysteries of nature and how things grow, mastering all environments :)

  5. Mistletoe - always have to have that tradition at Christmas - love love the Mistletoe- a great way to steal a kiss from the unexpected - thanks for the challenge and love card Beccy!

  6. What an interesting read. Thanks for the reason to Google it. I would have never guessed that mistletoe is a parasite. We usually hang mistletoe at Christmas also. I don't have to steal kisses from my DH but my sons usually get trapped by me or the grandkids. They are still young enough that they don't mind too much! LOL!

    1. I was surprised to read it too Donna, who would have guessed?!

  7. Pretty card. I need some of that mistletoe to hang up so I can kiss my husband several time a day. Not that I don't do it anyway but I can use the mistletoe as an excuse.

  8. Hi Beccy, a beautiful Christmas card, love the soft colours. Like most other Aussies I've never seen mistletoe, and holly is a declared noxious weed here... have a good one... Megan

  9. So pretty Beccy, love your layered scallops. Very interesting read... Some of it was a complete shock... I will never look at mistletoe the same again.. lol

  10. Pretty card. I've seen mistletoe in the trees here, but you don't see it often. Years ago two neighbor boys walked around selling it--I think they said someone had shot it out of the trees for them, but not sure.

  11. Your card is really pretty with the mistletoe being in center of attention and nothing else...
    I also check the meaning of the mistletoe and how it is a's give me another view of the mistletoe. tfs
    Kitty, great way how you caught your husband...

  12. Hi Beccy this is a stunning card I love that image of the mistletoe. On your Facebook page I posted a picture of some mistletoe that was near the ground and easy to photograph from when we went on an Autumn walk recently. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  13. Well, I have to google this too... I have no clue how it grows...
    I love your card. This image is beautiful and I love the layered scalloped circles.

  14. I think most people don't know how mistletoe grows, Beccy, but I picked it at Christmas time as a child so am well aware of where to find it. :-D I love your card and I'm off to buy the "Tied Up with String" set because I looked through my entire collection of Beccy's Place images trying to find mistletoe when I was getting ready to make my card for today. None there! I'm delighted to have done "Music" instead but I still want the mistletoe (and all the other marvelous goodies in the set!) :-D

  15. Wonderful! Your card looks great...
    Ilse (thera)
