Sunday, November 11


It's a bonus challenge day today and it's one of my personal favourites... a bingo grid!

For those who haven't used a bingo grid before, simply select one line from the grid and make a card that features each of the items specified. Your line can be vertical, horizontal, or diagonal depending on what appeals to you. For instance, I used the centre vertical line in the box - digital stamp, pencils or markers, ribbon or lace.

YOUR TURN: Use one line from the bingo grid to create a card.
Click on the link to add a photo of your creation:

Stamps: Lamb of God
(due for release in December 2018)


  1. Adorable card Beccy, The lamb of God image is so precious.. I love the halo of light around the baby Jesus and how it spirals out. I'm excited to play BINGO... No Daubers needed... heheh

  2. and btw, Good Morning from Morristown, TN USA

  3. Beccy, what a stunning card! Beautiful design. I love the patterned papers. Your coloring of the image is amazing. I'm going to be looking out for this set. I make my FIL's Christmas cards each year and he likes religious ones. This set looks like it will be perfect. I'll be a step ahead for next year already. Thank you!

  4. Ahhwww how cute is the new image!!
    Love to play a game of bingo :)two off my favorite things are in the grid, can you quess them?
    No sleeping in for me tomorrow, hihihi.

  5. Gorgeous image, Beccy. And you're going to make us wait until December, after this fun challenge is over, for its release? I'm putting your name on the naughty list!

  6. Great card, I love the adorable image!

  7. I love this kind of challenge. It gives me a jumping off point. Beautiful image.

  8. Thank you Beccy for images that tell the real story about Christmas! This one is wonderful!

  9. Looking forward to the december release of this adorable image which reminds us what Christmas is about. And that's more than only eating and drinking....
    You've made a fantastic card with it. The image is the eye catcher and the card doesn't need more!

  10. Your card is adorable and it does tell the real story of Christmas.

  11. DELIGHTFUL card Beccy!
    COOL challenge too ... the designs inspired by bingo grids are always exciting :)

  12. Saw this on facebook this is such a stunning card love the image and your colouring

  13. This is totally over the moon deliciously created Beccy - love your new stamps and the doily added too! TFS

  14. Oh this is a beautiful image, hurry up December!!

  15. Oh my... I've added the Lamb of God set to my wish list and have only seen this one image. It looks gorgeous. [PS You are good at this teaser thingee.]

  16. Oh WOW, Beccy, such a beautiful card! The image is gorgeous, and I just love your colouring! The bingo grid is a nice surprise, and here I was thinking I'm ahead of the game because I have my "J" card all ready to go! Awesome inspiration, thank you!!! Loving your daily prompts and I'm especially pleased that I'm up to date with Day 10! I really needed the inspiration to get my holiday cards made.

  17. Beautiful image. Beautiful card. Lots of choices in the BINGO challenge - I'm off to put on my thinking cap!

  18. Wow Beccy your card is so beautiful.
    Great colouring of this fabulous digital stamp.
    I love It.

  19. Spectacular card, Beccy! Lovely manger image. I love Bingo/Tic Tac Toe grids and can't wait to get something made. But sleep comes first for this California gal so crafting has to wait a few hours. It's now almost 1:00 a.m. my time and I'm too fuzzy headed to even think about choosing an image. :-D

  20. Stunning colouring of your beautiful image!!!

  21. I love your card - it´s wonderful...
    Ilse (thera)

  22. I will certainly be watching for this set your preview is lovely.
    Stay safe, all of you in the area of California fires.

  23. Beccy, such a peaceful and lovely card, your coloring is perfectly done...tfs
