Saturday, August 4

Well Deserved Award

I've mentioned my Mum-in-law's amazing talent for growing fruit and vegetables, flowers and plants many times over the years. She's a master gardener who spends a lot of her time working in a wonderful community garden that donates all of it's produce to folks who need a little help to make ends meet.

Recently, she and one of her co-workers, were presented with a "Be The Change" award for all their hard work, and had Fox 12 come out to the garden to film and present their certificates. We're all extremely proud of what she's done and continues to do for her community... Well done Mom!

You can see the footage here:


  1. Congratulations to her! I didn't realize she lived in Oregon!

  2. Oh Happy Dance time - congrats to your Mum - that is fantastic - one reason we are on Earth to help each other - fabulous!

    1. Mum in Law - Ooops - great video there as well - I have no green thumb so I discovered a long time ago- have a blessed week

  3. That's wonderful, Beccy! Your Mother-in-law is doing some amazing work for such a great cause! Thanks so much for sharing - I enjoyed the video! Congratulations and well deserved!

  4. We need more beautiful people in the world like your mother-in-law. Great video. Thanks for sharing...x

  5. Congrats what a wonderful thing to do.....thanks for sharing

  6. Congratulations to her - what a lovely way to serve the community.
