Saturday, May 6

New Release: Doris & Daphne

My friend Pete has two pet pigs, named Bubble & Squeak, that she absolutely adores. She assures me that they're as smart as dogs and as loving as human toddlers, and I imagine they're probably just as messy! Every time I see Pete, she has a new story to tell me about her pigs and the adventures they get up to with her great Dane called Marvin. They are the inspiration for this latest set of stamps...

Doris & Daphne
clear stamp set

Carla, Anesha and Petra have put together some fabulous cards and projects using the Doris & Daphne clear stamp set, which you can check out below...

Two cute cards from Carla

Anesha created two fabulous cards, a plaque and an awesome sunglasses case.

Two cards from Petra... check out those googly eyes!


  1. O my gosh...such cute little piggies :D XXX

  2. Well aren't those little piggies so adorable and great looking cards...tfs

  3. What a cute stamp set. Love it and the inspirations (^_^) ..
