Wednesday, November 30

Day 30 - Do What You Love

Let's end the Month of Holiday Cards challenge by creating a card we love. Grab all your favourite stamps, papers and embellishments and make something just for the pure pleasure it brings you...

YOUR TURN: Create a card using your favourite techniques, images, embellishments, colours, subjects... whatever elements you love working with.

Upload your final creation HERE.

Stamps by Rosiland Solomon for Sparkle N Sprinkle


  1. Beautiful card to finish the Month of Holiday cards. Thanks for all the inspiration. xx

  2. GORGEOUS card!!!
    WOW - your poinsettias are STUNNING, PURE PLEASURE to look at!!!
    THANK YOU for sharing ALL the INSPIRATION you have shared for your WONDERFUL Month of Holiday Cards, I have enjojed every day, learnt a lot along the way and have SO MANY techniques and designs I NEED to try :)

  3. Such beautiful flowers and very classy card

  4. Such beautiful flowers and very classy card

  5. That's what this hobby is all about: doing what we love and using what we love to bring a smile to others. Another gorgeous card Beccy. The embossed framing of the poinsettias and the way they overlap is so elegant. You can get this in a bought card. We put so much of us into our cards and it certainly shows. I wish I had had more time to participate this month but I am thrilled with all the cards that I got finished, thank you for all the wonderful challenges, and your generosity.Can't wait until next November!

  6. You did a beautiful coloring job AGAIN!! You are an amazing artist.

  7. Beautiful, stylish card!
    xxx Margreet

  8. this is gorgeous are amazingly talented

  9. What a gorgeous card! Great coloring and design!

    Happy Holidays!

  10. This is the time of year that I have sent all my Christmas cards out, birthday cards done, no one sick and I just make cards because I WANT to...haha I've been doing that for the last week and continue. My brain froze yesterday....over load due to all the cards I wanted to make and just walked out of my craft room...haha Today is a new day. Your card is beautiful. I have never made a card with a poinsettia.

  11. Beautiful card and you had me just by doing the poinsettia..
    The coloring is awesome and the card turned out fantastic..
    Thank you for sharing your talent with all of us.....hugs

  12. It was super nice to participate in A Month of Holiday Cards and I have already my Christmas cards now.
    Beccy thanks for all the fun assignments.

    We say:
    The latter will be the best.
    The last card I find the most beautiful of all

  13. Oh! I had no time to do what I love. We are so late here in Europe, you know, so I had to hurry with easy cards to get someone ready before deadline!
    Thank you for another great challenge, Beccy!
    Cheers, Liv

  14. Such a gorgeous card Beccy ! It was a great Challenge that you have organised with many entries. Thanks for it all !
