Saturday, November 19

Day 19 - Easel Cards

If you haven't tried creating an easel card yet, now is your chance!  They are easy to make and look fabulous when opened and placed on display.  They come in all shapes and sizes - as you can see, mine is a circle - and can be as simple or intricate as you like.  Click HERE for a basic easel card tutorial.

YOUR TURN:  Create and easel card
Upload a photo of your creation HERE.


  1. The easel cards are fun to do and a neat change from the normal card. Really cute the way you did yours!

  2. Love all the shapes and sizes and the way you can customize an easel card. Your scallop design brings out the fun image of the chubby snowman. And I love the way your snowflakes give it that special sparkle. Beautiful design.

  3. oh what beautiful coloring! Love the two tone blue scarf. I have never done a round easel card I'll have to look that up. Great card. Oh I like the sentiment too!

  4. Love easel cards epically the twisted ones and they have a great impact on the reciprent

  5. Love easel cards epically the twisted ones and they have a great impact on the reciprent

  6. Lovely easel card and colors, snowmen just melt my heart and whom ever gets this will melt their heart too!

  7. Fabulous. The deep blue is so stunning against the white. And the snowangel is just as round as the card. Love it!

  8. Love this card - what a fabulous image! The scalloped easel shape is really lovely. I've made basic easel cards before, but never a circle shape. I'll have to give this style a try and hope it's easier than it looks! 😊 xx

  9. DELIGHTFUL image and card!!!
    LOVE your angel snowman, LOVE your fancy folds & scallops too!!!
    ... easel cards are always fun to make, to give and to look at, enjoyment with every fold :)

  10. This is a really cute card and you have done a great job. You make things look so easy.

  11. Love your circled easelcard suits the snow(man)angel very well...he is so adorable and fab colored!
    xxx Margreet

  12. Such a gorgeous card Beccy! Lovely design and colors!
    Xoxo Olga

  13. This is such an adorable card and image. I like the fact that it has just a seasonal focus rather than saying Christmas words. It would be the perfect card to make for the various card drives that request non-denominational cards. Beccy, I actually discovered your site a while ago, while googling directions on how to make fancy fold cards. Love your style and your products.

  14. Love easel cards and a circular one gives that extra bit of interest. And this snowman is cute as well.

  15. Your card turned out fantastic...the easel card is adorable and so is the image and the snowman angel...
    well done

  16. A delightful creation! Love the circle easel!

  17. Gorgeous card. Love the image...and the reminder that easel cards can be any shape. I bet this is one type of card that doesn't get dumped in the pile. :-)

  18. It's been a while since I've made an easel card and I've never used my circle dies to make one. Thank you for reminding me to get with it and make an easel card, especially a circle one.

  19. This is such a different easel card Becky and it really is wonderful use of colour and design to perfectly showcase your image.
    Thanks for for your regular inspiration too, I get your emails even if I don't comment frequently. :D
    Thanks for sharing,
    Shaz in Oz.x #9

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}
