Tuesday, November 15

Day 15 - Opposites

There are lots of different ways you can use opposites to make a pair of cards - embossing and debossing, positive and negative die cuts, curved lines and straight lines, opposite colour schemes, etc. etc. I decided to make two cards using all the same items, but in a different order. I was surprised by how much of a difference a simple change can make to the look of a card... which one do you prefer?

YOUR TURN: Create two cards that are opposites in some way.
Upload a photo of your creation HERE.

Stamps: Kaisercraft


  1. I think circle cards are so much fun! I like the red card best but they are both lovely.

  2. I think the red one pops a little more, but they are both gorgeous!


  3. Both cards are beautiful and I don't have a favorite.
    xxx Margreet

  4. Both cards are beautiful and I don't have a favorite.
    xxx Margreet

  5. It is so surprising how effective this is. Tough choice - but I think the red one. Although I could look again later in the day and go the other way!

  6. I definitely prefer the red. It's all in the bow!

  7. Opposites attract (me to them). Whenever I can make more than one card at a time I love that idea. These are really fun! I like the one with the red bow. I think the white pops better off that arrangement of color/ But both cards are a treat! Lots of fun!

  8. Your opposites are GORGEOUS Beccy!!!
    LOVE your sentiment panels and colour combo ... as for a favourite, I looked and looked, then looked some more and it's a tie, with the red base in front by less than a hair.

  9. These are really cute and a great idea

  10. These circle cards are so cute, Beccy! It was a hard decision, and I went back and forth, but the red won out in the end! It's the bow that sold it!

  11. I like the red base. I tend not to do a lot of white bases...not sure why. Beautiful cards.

  12. I like making round cards and yours are amazing - great opposites and bows are just perfect.

  13. Great cards! You make the best bows!

  14. Both cards turned out really nice....I'm pretty sure who ever will receive either card would for sure love...well done & tfs

  15. I'm loving the red. I need to try this idea!

  16. Oh my - different by the same - looks fabulous! Nice job!
