Monday, November 14

Day 14 - Cut 'n' Pop

Okay, Cut 'n' Pop may have been a little misleading for a title... it kind of sounds like some sort of funky dancing, when really it's just fussy cutting and popping up an image. All you need are some small sharp scissors and a load of pop dots to give your project a fabulous three dimensional look.

YOUR TURN: Create a card with some 3D elements.
Upload a photo of your creation HERE.

Stamps: Penny Black


  1. WOW so STUNNING Beccy! I love the soft blue!


  2. Actually I got what you meant when I read the title! Now I'm off to look for a suitable image for this one. Love the blue of your card Beccy.

  3. Love how the popped-up elements add interest to the monochromatic design.

  4. Beautiful. Love the color scheme. Gorgeous stamp. Pine cones and branches are so popular this year!

  5. Wow! this is stunning. I like fussy cutting!

  6. So elegant! Love the colours. xx

  7. It feels so weird, that the comments above are given' at a day, that will come , for me. Her it is the 13th of november 23:00 p.m.
    But your card is stunning!!

  8. Love the monochromatic look with this stamp! It's been awhile since I cut an popped out part of am image. That time thing gets me too....futuristic!

  9. So pretty! I love, love,love the color and it look s so elegant!

  10. I love the dimensional look of this card and I think the monochromatic colors really make that dimension even more pronounced. Pine cones and evergreens are so awesome at Christmas. The smell of them really bring Christmas alive. Thanks for the inspiration!

  11. Beautiful card Beccy - the monochromatic colouring is so elegant, love it and the dimension too!!!
    I love to fussy cut and layer images, looking forward to some cut 'n' pop time with everyone :)

  12. This is so pretty. Not sure I can do the 3-D but you did awesome.

  13. Gorgeous card in the pop-ups!
    xxx Margreet

  14. This card is stunning...I love the blue color just gorgeous
    Thank you for sharing....well done

  15. Beautiful card. I not only like the pop-up but the delicate lace cut at the bottom of the card.

  16. Such a stunning card! I love fussy cutting too! it's very relaxing!
    xoxo olga

  17. absolutely stunning card and image - wow, like they were made of pure ice ...

  18. I missed seeing this one and it's absolutely gorgeous! I love to fussy-cut and pop with foam tape so this theme is a favourite of mine! Love your fancy border too!
