Monday, September 5

Did You Know...

I'm in the process of planning the very first
Beccy's Place monthly e-newsletter!
It will be full of sneak peeks, blog happenings, online store news and newsletter exclusives.  You can sign up to receive the newsletter by visiting my online store, scrolling right down to the bottom of the page and adding your name and email address in the fields under "Newsletter".


  1. Thank you, Beccy! I just subscribed! I wouldn't want to miss anything!

  2. Will go and subscribe. At least I will get the latest news. Ursula xxx

  3. I just subscribed but I couldn't log into the store. Do I have to create a new account even though I am an old customer. Best wishes Margaret Ashby

    1. Hi GranMargaret,
      I upgraded all the software over the weekend and am now operating a brand new store. Unfortunately the old store was not compatible so none of the customer information came over, meaning everyone has to create a new account. But you can create a new one without having to purchase anything, and you can subscribe to the newsletter without creating an account.
      Please let me know if you need any help.

  4. Subscribed done l'm looking forward to the newletters x
