Wednesday, July 6

Tutorial - Tilt Cards

This style of card would be ideal for when you need a lot of space for a group of people to sign their names or add personal sentiments.   They fold out into a rectangle of card stock - as small or large as you like - and stand on a funky angle when placed up on display.  The best part about them is that they're pretty easy to make!

1.  Start with a rectangle of card stock.  It doesn't matter what size you use, but for the purpose of this tutorial I used a piece that measures 81/2" x 11".

2.  Score the card stock in half on both lengths so you end up with four equal sections.  Fold along the score lines and press the creases firmly with your bone folder.

3.  Now you need to score and fold a diagonal line that runs from the top left corner to the bottom right corner.  Fold it back and forth a couple of times along the score line to loosen the crease.

4.  The diagonal creases fold inward toward the centre of the card.  This takes a little bit of manoeuvring, but eventually you should be able to bring the two side creases together.  If you're having trouble with this step, try folding back and forth along the score lines a few times until everything folds together and you can flatten the card.

5.  To decorate the card, cut pieces of patterned paper for the sections shown below.  These sections will all be visible when the card is folded.

6.  Now you can add some stamps and embellishments to decorate the front of your card.  If you're feeling particularly ambitious, you can decorate all the other sections of the card and even add little hidden sentiments behind the different folds.  Have fun!


  1. Thanks for the tutorial, great card.

  2. Fab card and love this style, may have to try this....oh measuring....xx

  3. Thank you Beccy - this is wonderful - I think I will have a play woith some paper to get the hang of it first.

  4. Thank you. That might be a fun card to try!

  5. So beautiful Beccy! thank you for sharing!
    xoxo Olga

  6. Thanks for the tutorial Beccy. I love to gave it a try making this card shape.

  7. Great tutorial. The card goes together wonderfully. And I think Tippy will look fabulous on the front!

  8. Thank you Beccy. I so so wanted a "big" tilt card! Will there be a link later to this tut. (I can find the name in the tut.list, but there's no link to this tut. I would hate to loose this great tut). I do apprisiate the easy way you explain things, and also shpw pictures. Have a great day.

    1. Hi Conny,
      I forgot to link the tutorial in the card-making section... I'll do it now. Thanks for the reminder!

  9. So cute! Thanks for sharing your tutorial!
