Wednesday, November 4

Day 4 - Wreaths

I have several fabulous wreath dies that I love using at Christmas time.  My favourite technique is to layer three or four together and decorate them with different embellishments and patterned papers.
YOUR TURN: Create a card featuring a wreath.
Upload your creations HERE.


  1. Such pretty and elegant cards, Beccy.

  2. These are both beautiful cards Beccy - great idea to cut multiples of the dies to achieve thickness/dimension easily. Now I'm wondering, as I don' have a wreath die, I wonder if I can achieve something similar by using 2 circle dies to cut a hollow circle outline, and then use leaves to decorate? One for the drawing board I feel .... :o)
    Helen x

  3. wow, great idea, these wreaths have so lovely 3D dimension. and these embellishments are so elegant.

  4. Just lovely! Ideas are swirling like leaves in the wind. Thanks

  5. Very pretty cards. Love the dimension in these cards.

  6. Great idea - and so trendy! Wreaths are all the rage right now in blogland; I'm seeing all kinds of stamped wreaths and die-cut wreaths for both fall and winter. I don't have a wreath die but I believe I can use some of my small leaf/foliage/greenery dies to fashion a wreath. It's on my list and I hope I get a chance to make one soon! Thanks for the inspiration!

  7. this is wonderful!
    have a nice day

  8. Oh wow Beccy. This would have to be my favourite at the moment since dad died. We had a beautiful red and white wreath for his casket in red and white, resembling his home country of Poland. This is going to give me so much pleasure in the making...and my mind is already on the move......

  9. So pretty - the extra layers make such a difference

  10. Beccy's these are fabulous and I totally forgot that I also have a wreath die. You've inspired me to get it out and try this. Wreaths are my favorite decoration at Christmas time. I have a huge wreath for my front door so this card is just right up my alley. I like that the colors hint at a traditional Christmas but the accent colors are so different. Very versatile cards!

  11. What a great idea Beccy! I love it and I will definitely try it myself! your cards are very inspiring!

  12. So pretty! I bet even for other holidays they woud be pretty in different colors --or brown--wonder if it might look like a grapevine wreath?

  13. Beautiful cards, great idea to make each one a little different, this would be a great gift!

  14. Love the white doodled border. Beautiful wreaths. I'm off to hang my wreath for the challenge.

  15. O just love the green wreath. For 30 years I've had a spruce wreath on our front door. This is not so commen when I live, so when people come for a visit, also most everyone says it is a cosy and warm welcome!
