Wednesday, November 19

Day 19 - Get Inspired

I love spending time combing through the countless variety of handmade cards that Pinterest has on display.  It's one of the best sources of inspiration for just about anything you care to look for.  You can get ideas for colour combinations, card layouts, designs, folds and embellishments, not to mention all the wonderful products that are out there!
The card I made today is inspired by a beautiful Christmas card I found on Pinterest by a crafter named Gisele.  I made mine into an easel card and added some ribbon, glitter and a stamped panel on the inside to hold the card open for display.
YOUR TURN:  Find a beautiful card and use it to inspire your own creation.  Don't forget to give credit to the original artist.
Upload your creation here.


  1. Beautiful and elegant is your card x

  2. A beautiful card indeed.
    I get inspired from your cards, Beccy. Last year I got many new ideas from your November Holiday Cards Challenge. I still use them. :)

  3. This is gorgeous, such a beautiful and elegant design.
    Sue xx

  4. Love the way yours turned out!! Yes, Pinterest is good for inspiration, but the cards added to the blog every day are also inspirational! So many pretty cards and talented people!

  5. Love your beautiful card, elegantly traditional.

    I only discovered Pinterest recently, much to my dismay........why dismay?.......because I spend way too much time drooling over all the countless creations by so many talented cardmakers, when I should be playing at being a 'domestic goddess'.

    Jennifer. x

  6. Gorgeous card and image Beccy..Loz

  7. Great easel card, Beccy! Love the traditional colours!

  8. love how effectively simple this is, great for when you have 100s of Christmas cards to make

  9. I have been inspired by the cards that you have put on this blog and this one is no exception. A lovely Clean and simple easel card - I had not really considered combining the two ideas! Silly really but I suppose we tend to put things into separate 'boxes'

  10. What a beautiful CAS card, gorgeous image and great design too xx

  11. That´s what christmas is about, very traditional.

  12. I see that I'm not the only one who finds inspiration on Pinterest. So many lovely creations and images to find on it. A great card you've made Beccy.

  13. Wauw, it looks like a box of chocolate from an art shop. It is very distinguished, Beccy!
    Cheers, Trees

  14. A very elegant card indeed. And I love your red bow. I saw your tutorial about doing it, and maybe, during November challenge, I'll try it. My appreciation of sharing your experiences.
