Monday, September 23

Design Team Announcement

Thank you so much to everyone who applied for a position on my Design Team, it was a pleasure visiting all your blogs and having a look at your beautiful cards and projects.  Choosing a team was a very difficult task but I managed to narrow it down to a nice diverse group of ladies with different styles and ideas.
Now, without further ado I would like to introduce my four permanent designers...
I have also chosen six guest designers who will each join us for a month.
The new team will start work on the 1st of October.  In the meantime, I hope you will take some time to visit each of their blogs, become a follower and perhaps leave a little comment or two.


  1. Thank you so much for this apportunity.

  2. Thanks Beccy. It's great to be a member of the DT. I wish all the others good luck !

  3. Well done everyone, as an ex DT member I can tell you that Beccy is sooooo fabulous to work with too. Talented and such a lovely lady :) Viv xx
