Monday, December 6

Tenth Day of Christmas

This leaping Lord, who I have nicknamed Leaping Leopold, was a hoot to colour! I really enjoyed everything about this chappy, from his flowing, fur lined cape to his fantastic soft leather boots. Although I still love the goose from Day 6, I think she might have been replaced in my favour by this joyous fellow.


  1. Beccy, you do a beautiful job with your images both painted and black/white.

  2. You are so talented Beccy, I am really glad I found your site. Thank you for leaping Leopold. :-) xx

  3. Thank you, Beccy, for the lord. He is such a happy guy!

  4. Beccy, I am new to card crafting and I am so excited with all of your wonderful art. Everything you do is perfection, thank you so much for all of your wonderful designs and tutorials!
