Monday, November 13

Day 13 - "L"

How many times have you unpacked your holiday decorations only to find your lights in a tangle?! The best thing we ever did was purchase a little reel on which to store our lights, it really makes a huge difference when it comes time to trim the tree. Mind you, a tangle of lights always makes a cute card...

YOUR TURN: Create a card using the letter "L" as your prompt.
Click on the link to upload a photo of your creation:

Lights, list, log, love, lettering, layering, letterpress, lever card, latch card, lavender, lemon, lilac, Lord, lamb.


  1. Fantastic card, Beccy, and a great list of "L"s! I think I used about half of them on my card for today. :-D

  2. Sooooo cute with all the lights! Love this adorable koala! Thanks for all the inspiration this month, Beccy; I have been able to get a lot of cards made thanks to you! I donate a lot to charity and I finished off the package and have mailed them off the other day - Yay! I'm still making more cards for family and friends so please keep the inspiration coming!

  3. So cute! Love this sweet card. I have greatly enjoyed the cards. Edwina Brown

  4. What cute adorable card. I L for Love it and as for tangled lights every year. Put away all neat but not sure who messes them but they are messed up. Thanks for another fab list of L's.

  5. What a gorgeous card I love it. That Koala needs a bit of help. I think light have improved in the last few years we don't have the trouble we used to have. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  6. Super card, love the adorable, cute image. We have had an artificial tree for the last couple of years with the lights part of the tree, so no wires to untangle. SO much easier! xx

  7. A Ripper Chrissy? Very interesting expression. Love the card and the cute Koala all tangled up in the lights.

  8. Another adorable image in that new set Beccy! When I first saw the card I imagined the poor little guy was being electrocuted since he was so lit up, But the smile on his face certainly says otherwise. Just an adorable card! Hope your show was a big success and you ahd an awesome weekend!

  9. Wonderful card!
    So cute image!
    Have a great day

  10. Hi Beccy, a gorgeous koala who looks like he is in a mess with those pesky lights, love the glow on each of the light bulbs and the true blue Aussie sentiment. Thank you for the inspiration.... have a wonderful week... Megan

    For those elsewhere, certain Christmas song has been altered, We wish you a Ripper Christmas, ripper meaning really great, fantastic... anyone interested a copy of an Aussie Christmas Song

  11. L is for LOVE seeing CUTE Aussie critters :)
    Fabulous card, love the cute koala, colours, design and sentiment!

  12. Awesome card! Great coloring of the cute koala and those lights are really burning!
    xxx Margreet

  13. Hihi, that's so true. Hope this year I stored them right and won't have to untangle them.
    Lovely and cute card!

  14. Beautiful Koala, love these stamps and a gorgeous card of our Aussie emblum.

  15. Such an adorable image and perfect for the letter "L"...great card.
    What a great idea putting your lights on a reel sure does solve the problem with tangle lights....tfs
