Sunday, June 1

June New Releases

I felt like using lots of lovely bright colours this month so went with some wonderful old world flowers that really know how to put on a display.  Both gerberas and nasturtiums always flourished in my grandmother's garden.  I must admit that the nasturtiums grew wildly around her old shed, but that didn't mean they were any less charming.

This month's Stanley set is actually a freebie... or will be in a few days time.  Check back in on Wednesday to snag the new set for your library and to see what my wonderful designers have created with it.


  1. Love gerbers & nasturtiums but don't have either one in my garden....go figure! Stanley is adorable!
    Hugs, Renee

  2. Love the flowers, Beccy. Would love to create something with them.

  3. Pretty! I like both those flowers! How neat that the Stanley set will be a freebie!

  4. Lovely flower-designs Beccy. Stanley is great for cards for children.

  5. Love the flower images and your verses on the nasturtiums.
